About Us
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About Us
Republic’s Chamber of Commerce wants everyone to know how special it is here – and that we welcome guests! We want to share the beauty and unique isolation of our community by inviting visitors – and thus bring in much needed commerce and employment.
Republic boasts nice lodging, several restaurants and a host of resorts at nearby Curlew Lake. We have a rail trail that reaches from Republic to Canada (some portions are scheduled for new surfacing). It is very popular for wintertime cross country skiing. We have a world re-renown fossil center – visitors worldwide come to visit our Stonerose Eocene Fossil Museum – you even get to dig your own fossils – and if you find a rare one, it may be named after you!
Our Mission
Assisting all members of the community engaged in logging, mining, agriculture, retail, wholesale, commercial, tourism, trade fields, professional, education, healthcare, and all other fields where interest is evident to solve the mutual or individual problems in the respective fields. Recognizing and promoting the prudent use of the resources of the area. Working for the improvement and protection of those resources through legislation or other courses of action when deemed necessary. Working with similar organizations in other communities on projects of mutual concern. Working for the good and continued improvement of the community of the greater Republic area generally and working for the establishment of a better community and continued improvements of the community generally and working for the establishment of a better community of Ferry County specifically.
(Mission statement was adopted in 1999)
Meet the Board

Kim Tanner
Kim Tanner, President

Travis Wellman
Travis Wellman, Secretary

Amber Maycumber
Vice President
Amber Maycumber, Vice Pres

Liz Miller
Member at Large
Liz Miller, Member at Large

Dianne Baldwin
Dianne Baldwin, Treasurer
Attend a Chamber Meeting
We meet at noon on the third Thursday of every month, at 157 N. Clark Avenue in Republic, but be sure to check our Facebook page for any location updates. Join us as we discuss regular business, economic recovery, upcoming events, and other items of interest to our community.
Become a Member
The Republic Chamber of Commerce is dedicated to promoting and maintaining a healthy economic environment within the community, and advancing the commercial, agricultural, industrial, service, tourism and civic interests of the City of Republic, the County of Ferry, in the State of Washington.
PO Box 502 Republic, WA 99166
Our website is currently being updated – we thank you for your patience – please e-mail us if you would like more information: republicchamber@gmail.com.