Become a Chamber Member
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We are always open to new membership. Join us in our efforts to promote the City of Republic and to benefit our local businesses.
Your Chamber of Commerce
Whether you own a business, support Ferry County or simply love the area, the Republic Chamber of Commerce is your tool for improving your community, promoting your community and creating a cooperative spirit in the community. The purpose of your Chamber of Commerce is two fold:
- To promote local businesses to the community and to visitors, and help business owners network with each other;
- To support the community through active participation in local events.
For a mere $35 per year, you enable your Chamber to:
- Provide a monthly column to the local paper showcasing area businesses and events
- Create opportunities for you to talk about your business and develop public speaking skills
- Create opportunities for you to promote your business at low or no cost
- Enable you to network with other business owners in your area and beyond
- Offer training in business skills and practices
- Give you a united voice with other business owners and create a space where you can come together with other business owners to seek solutions to business problems
- Offer a space for your brochures at the annual Ferry County Fair and Prospectors’ Days
- Offer an annual social event for Chamber members
- Hold monthly meetings. Members can attend or can work with another business owner to serve as their proxy if unable to attend
- Participate in fundraising for community events
- Members volunteer at Prospectors’ Days and the annual Ferry County Fair to promote local business and “meet and greet” your community
- Create an opportunity for you to get to know your local business owners and share your ideas with them
PO Box 502 Republic, WA 99166
Our website is currently being updated – we thank you for your patience – please e-mail us if you would like more information: